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The Cleaning Blog!

Places Most Cleaning Companies Forget To Clean


There are areas at home and office that are consistently clean as part of your regular housekeeping routine. You tackle the places that get the dirtiest and grimiest - you dust the furniture, vacuum the carpets, disinfect the toilets, and wash the kitchen floor. Yet, even for the most cleaning business, there are those places in the home that somehow get overlooked and never, or rarely, get cleaned. 

Many of these places, such as the tops of refrigerators or ceiling fans, fall into the "out of sight, out of mind" category. Since they are higher-up and not in plain sight, professional cleaners forget about them as well. Other items such as shower curtain liner and dishwasher don't get cleaned because business cleaner never thought it was necessary. 

However, neglecting these unseen or forgotten spaces from getting their fair share of cleaning is not only unsightly but can be hazardous to homeowner's health. Thus, having your cleaning business checklist will save your business reputation as you wouldn't want to read in a review that you forgot to clean something! Hence, below аrе ѕоmе оf thе tор places that many cleaning businesses forget to clean and tips on how to dust, clean, and disinfect them. 

Light Switches: people touch, turn, and switch on-and-off the light switches in their home countless times a day. Yet, how often do you wipe these areas clean to remove spots and germs? As a professional cleaner, you need to add this to your checklist, so as to deliver excellent service to your clients. 

Doorknobs - We use them every day, and they can build up quite the impressive colony of germs and grime. However, they are often overlooked during cleaning by many cleaning businesses. Make it a habit by adding it to the checklist - particularly the bathroom. 

Ceiling Tiles: Ceiling tile are notorious for collecting layers of dust, grime, and cobwebs. Most cleaning businesses often forget to clean and don't realize the accumulation of dust until someone eventually clamps up. Thus a dirty ceiling tile with cobweb isn't just unsightly when dust sits around. Dust mites can move in contributing to allergies.

Air Vents - All vent covers should be cleaned from time to time. Floor or roof vents need extra attention, however. Remove the cover and vacuum out the inside of the ductwork as debris, pet hair, etc. can accumulate there and harbor allergens and germs. This is an oft-overlooked cleaning task since the dirt is out of view and out of the living space.

Indoor Garbage Can: Traces of food and liquid sometimes leak through trash bags and become a breeding ground for mold, mildew, and bacteria to grow, causing a terrible stench. Mold and mildew can also gеt іntо thе аіr and exacerbate allergies. 

Plants and greenery – either fake or real, stay looking green and healthy for a long time, but if you look up close, they may be covered in a thick layer of dust cobwebs, mold, and even bugs. Thus, if cleaning or caring for them has become a burden, it may be best to replacement them.

Behind the Refrigerator: Even though no one is ever going to see behind your refrigerator, it is essential to get back there a few times a year to remove the dust, crumbs and food particles that can accumulate and get trapped there. Food particles left behind can attract unwanted critters as well as mold. You'll be аmаzеd by what you find when you slide your refrigerator out. Simple vacuuming and mopping should get the area clean.

Of course, there are other hidden places for germs to hide and, hopefully, this article will get you sleuthing to find them and clean them up. Your customer may not directly thank you, but they will appreciate it if you go the extra mile to satisfy them!

Dennis jenkins